Creativity in Color.

Animation brings the power of imagination and creativity to your marketing, and has grown far beyond gaming. It gives you the power to demonstrate almost any product or service to your clients, sometimes so realistically that it’s hard to believe it’s not an actual video.

The motion and color of animation grabs attention, explains instantly, demonstrates what has yet to be realized and is an effective marketing tool when precisely tailored to your target market.



Take your company brand to the next level by designing a custom character to represent the culture, values and essence of your company. Re purpose your custom character across multiple platforms like AR, VR, fun friendly media advertisements.
2D Concepting
Here at CONICAL we will help you design your company character from scratch. Starting with the 2D Concepting.
3D Modelling
After you are happy with the design we take it to the modelling stage and create a 3D version of your character.
Texturing & Animation
Then on to texturing and animation. Adding movement and color to help bring your company character to life.



Animated videos help companies and professionals to communicate and explain their business model processes as well as educate and promote products and services in an entertaining yet clear and professional manner. This applies to Product Promotion, Branding, Training and Concept Visualization. Here at Conical we add imagination and a carefully structured storyline to build intrigue as we seek to find a solution, create emotional triggers that will help with memory retention for your product or service.

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Experience and interact with a Virtual 3D world by putting on a head mounted display. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact in a whole new way.